Burning Brightly, Clans of War, and Book #3 update!
Hello Friends, and welcome back to another blog post!
I have both good and slightly good news. The good news is that Burning Brightly is now a full novel instead of a novella! The slightly good news is I will be able to write more in my first book, the reason why this is a lesser extent of ‘good’ is because that means I will have to edit the new sections, and make sure it flows properly. Not a bad thing all together, just getting the story up in word count and filling in some blanks in the story.
Clans of War is currently in the editing process. I have put it on the back burner momentarily to fix up the first book. There are a few things I have discussed with my early readers, and I need to make a few quality of life changes. We are still on early stages of editing however, so the early reader copy will not be out for a bit.
Book #3 is in flux at the moment. I have started writing it, but I am deciding on what character voices I want to include and what I want to do as a whole for that story. It will take a few rewrites to get it to where I want it to be. I expect that this book will be longer than my last two, but that remains to be seen. I am looking forward to writing this story more very soon.
Thank you for reading! Have a beautiful day!